Expressing Your Faith
Philemon 1:6
[6] and I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ.
We may need to defend our faith, or we may share our faith during a casual conversation. Either way, the burden is not on us to change someone’s mind or heart. Rather, we are called to simple share what God means to us and how he should be understood.
“We cannot argue other people into believing in God, but we can always say what he means to us and how he should be understood, so that those who do not believe in him know whom they are rejecting. We must be able to tell the world how we understand the universe, our place in it, and the purpose of our existence. Others may disagree with us and offer alternative proposals, but we must put our case as clearly and as coherently as possible, so that they know what they are disagreeing with. Christians who are vague about these things or who cannot articulate their beliefs in a comprehensible manner will never communicate their faith to anyone. God has called us to give a reason for the hope that is within us and to proclaim the message of salvation to all mankind, whether or not they listen to what we are saying.” God Is Love - Gerald Bray