God's Infinity

This week I began an online course about the attributes of God provided by The Gospel Coalition. God’s infinity was the first attribute that was covered. I’m going to post a few quotes from Jen Wilkin’s (JW) book, None Like Him, as well as some quotes from a message by David Gibson.

“Our whole live as Christ-followers are to be given over to the identification and celebration of the limits God has ordained for us.” JW

“Do we spend our day thinking about achieving limitless love for others or limitless power over others?” JW

“When we ask another human to be unlimitedly trustworthy in any area, we are asking someone who is “only human” to be God.” JW

“He counts our sorrows. They are not infinite.” JW

David Gibson spoke about the fact that we are not infinite in time or in space. He said:

“We were created to live forever, but sin entered into the world, and therefore, we will die physically. As Christians, we need to be prepared to die. Death is a bitter curse. People are doing everything they can to live forever. God lives forever. We should count our days with humility.

We are not infinite in space. We are limited to where God has us. It’s possible to grow old and not establish roots. God fills the universe, but we’re not meant to. The lie is that happiness is found in another space. Our phones tempt us to believe that we are not supposed to be in one place, in this particular place, at one time.”

The thoughts from Jen and David, along with several Bible verses, helped me to dwell on what God is and what I am not. David’s comment about God being everywhere and us being in one space at a time are important truths. Technology leads us to believe that we can be all over the place while physically being in a specific place. Everything seems to mesh together now, and our minds become unfocused and drift.

God has put each of us in a particular place. Do we spend more time thinking about other places and things than living and showing love in the places where we are present? Are we rooted in our communities and a church?

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