Romans 6:12-14
[12] Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, to make you obey its passions. [13] Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness. [14] For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.
Like a soldier who is dedicated to serving, even unto death, those of us who say we are followers of Jesus should be even more so consecrated to honoring and serving him. Father, forgive us for the many times, even long periods of our lives when we are not following you with the zeal that should come from being redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Thank you for the forgiveness we have in Christ. Give us the strength to truly follow you in every aspect of our lives. We see others who have tremendous zeal to destroy the souls of mankind. How much more should our consecration to the Lord be displayed, not to argue or fight, but to show the power of the gospel by making a difference in people’s lives for Christ.
“And to this day let a man get a purpose within him, I care not what his purpose is, and let his whole soul be absorbed by it, and what will he not do? You that are "everything by turns and nothing long," that have nothing to live for, soulless carcases that walk this earth and waste its air, what can you do? Why nothing. But the man who knows what he is at, and has his mark, speeds to it "Like an arrow from a bow shot by an archer strong." Nought can turn him aside from his design.
How much more is this true if I limit the description to that which is peculiar to the Christian-consecration to God! Oh! what strength that man has who is dedicated to God! Is there such an one here? I know there is. I know that there be many who have consecrated themselves to the Lord God of Israel in the secret of their chamber; and who can say in their hearts,
"Tis done; the great transaction's done
I am my Lord's, and he is mine.
He drew me, and I followed on,
Glad to obey the voice divine."
Now, the man that can say that, and is thoroughly consecrated to God; be he who he may or what he may, he is a strong man, and will work marvels.“ - Charles Spurgeon