Show Me Your Glory

Exodus 33:17-18

And the LORD said to Moses, “This very thing that you have spoken I will do, for you have found favor in my sight, and I know you by name.” Moses said, “Please show me your glory.”

What we should desire more than anything else is to know who God is. If we don’t pursue knowing God, we will live empty lives. There is a wide path and a narrow path in this life. The wide one is filled with the world and all it has to offer. It may be exciting, enticing, and even seem like the right path in the eyes of the world. The narrow path is not easy, especially knowing that we will be fighting a spiritual battle each day. It may be lonely, painful, and frustrating. If our focus is on knowing God, we will persevere.

“Moses is praying that he would see and experience a yet deeper knowledge of God. Moses understood he had only skimmed the surface of the bottomless depths of the majesty of God.

When Moses prayed for an increased knowledge of God’s glory, we must understand the meaning of this word glory . It translates a Hebrew word ( kabod ) that means “heavy” or “weight.”

As related to God, the word glory represents the infinite weightiness of who He is. The glory of God reflects the sum and substance of His holy character. It encompasses His divine perfections, attributes, and essence. It includes His holiness, sovereignty, righteousness, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, truth, grace, mercy, goodness, love, and wrath. It is the godness of God. In short, the glory of God is the display of His infinite grandeur and vast greatness. This prayer that God would reveal more of His greatness is what Moses must experience to find the strength to persevere.” - Show Me Your Glory - Steven Lawson

Daniel Kok