Elijah's Flight - God's Care

The story of Elijah’s battle with the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18 and then Elijah’s fleeing from Jezebel in chapter 19 provides us with a few thoughts to chew on as we consider who God is and how we can sometimes respond to events in our lives, however large or small they may be.

Elijah had great courage when confronting the prophets of Baal, even taunting them and then killing them. He trusted God and saw an amazing demonstration of God’s power and authority. However, this courage disappeared as soon as he heard Jezebel was after him. He ran to a wilderness to be alone and wished to die by God’s gracious hand.

Matthew Henry wrote this about Elijah in the wilderness, “Wherever God’s children are, as they are still upon their Father’s ground, so they are still under their Father’s eye and care. They may lose themselves in a wilderness, but God has not lost them.

Elijah laid down to die but was woken by an angel who had prepared food for him. He ate, then fell back to sleep, only to be woken again by the angel, who encouraged him to eat again. Matthew Henry writes, “God knows what he designs us for, though we do not. What service, what trials, and will take care for us when we, for want of foresight, cannot for ourselves, that we be furnished for them with grace sufficient. He that appoints what the voyage shall be will victual the ship accordingly.

God knows, and he cares. As a child of God, you are never living life on your own. God provides in ways that are as unique to your situation as you are unique in this world. Rest in this knowledge.

Daniel Kok