Neglected Prayer Life
Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. - Hebrews 7:25
If you could hear Jesus pray
“One way to think of Christ’s intercession, then, is simply this: Jesus is praying for you right now. ‘It is a consoling thought,’ wrote theologian Louis Berkhof, ‘that Christ is praying for us, even when we are negligent in our prayer life.’ Our prayer life stinks most of the time. But what if you heard Jesus praying aloud for you in the next room? Few things would calm us more deeply” Gentle and Lowly - Dane Ortlund
“Create in me a clean heart, God,
And renew my spirit.
Wash me, and make me whole again.
Forgive my sins against you.
Forgive my sins against this person.
Forgive my sins against myself.
I want to be holy.
I want to please you with the ways I think, feel, and act.
I want to please you with my words.
I have not done this.
Grant me your strength and power,
And enable me to love with your love.
In Jesus’ name,
Canyon Road : A Book of Prayer - Kari Kristina Reeves