Jan 13, 2020 thoughts and quotes
There is only one way to bust through anxiety, worry, and deep sadness. The power of Jesus. He touches our heart. He renews our minds. He directs the right person to us. He broke the power of sin so that we can be free.
“Jesus, in your mercy,
Touch my heart.
Father, in your mercy,
Relieve my load.
Spirit, in your mercy,
Renew my mind.
Almighty God—have mercy on me,
For the sake of your merciful name,
Pour out your love, And glorify Jesus, Amen.” ~ Kari Kristina Reeves
About Psalm 9 - “We must discern God’s “wonderful deeds” in our lives, a phrase that can refer to dramatic miracles like the parting of the Red Sea. However, we must also learn to see the more subtle ways God comforts us just when we were ready to give up, or brings the right friend or book or line of thinking into our lives just when we needed it. Recognize and tell of God’s daily, wonderful deeds, and you will have a note of grateful joy as the background music to your life.” ~ Timothy Keller & Kathy Keller
“ When the chaos of sin engages one’s soul, anxiety naturally follows. The word translated “anxious” in Philippians 4:6 comes from the Greek word merimnaō. Based on its use in various contexts, it seems to gather meaning from the words merizō, “to divide,” and nous, “mind.” This divided mind is the unhappy condition of the man whom the Apostle James describes as “a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” (James 1:8). Such instability routinely focuses on the object of anxiety to the exclusion of God. In such moments, the sick feeling in our stomach and shortness of breath in our chest confirm that flaming darts have pierced our spiritual armor. We’ve been hit, and we are in trouble… Christ, our Prince of Peace, has promised, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). What is this truth? That He, the crucified Savior, has disarmed principalities and powers, triumphing over them through His cross and resurrection. He broke the power of sin that keeps us enslaved to anxiety, so that we may now enjoy genuine freedom.” ~ Chris Castaldo