The Presence of God and Your Relationship With Him
Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. - Psalm 139:7-10
God is in all places at once - Heaven and earth
If God is infinite, present in all places at once, then it is certain he governs all things in his own person, and needs no proxies or deputies to help him to carry on his government. He is in all places in an instant, and manages all affairs both in the earth and heaven. A king cannot be in all places of his kingdom in his own person, therefore he is forced to govern by deputies and viceregents, and they often pervert justice. But God, being infinite, needs no deputies, he is present in all places, he sees all with his own eyes, and hears all with his own ears; he is everywhere in his own person, therefore is fit to be the judge of the world; he will do everyone right. - ( Thomas Watson
The face of God
“The face of God is his relational presence. Do you know the difference between the face of God and just the general presence of God?… You could be in a room, a small room. And you are at a table, and there is ten people in the room and they are all eating together. And there is a sense in which you are present to all of them. You can see them. You could actually speak to any of them you wanted to…. In a way you are present to all of them, but at the moment your face is turned only to one person and you are having a conversation with him or her. And when the Bible talks about the face of God, it is not actually saying, for example, that the face of God is everywhere. The presence of God is everywhere. God is present with everyone, but he doesn’t having a personal relationship with everyone. And that’s what the face means.” - Tim Keller