
“See now that I, even I, am he,

and there is no god beside me;

I kill and I make alive;

I wound and I heal;

and there is none that can deliver out of my hand.” - Deuteronomy 32:39 (ESV)

God never changes and yet he lives life with us, working his plan through the changes that happen in and around us all the time. There is nothing that he can’t do and yet he allows change in our lives for our good and for his glory. To us, these changes can seem cruel, unfair, devastating, unloving. But because he does not change, we can trust in him and depend on him. We can rest in him.

Let go and rest in God

“Even his personal, covenant name proclaims this: Yahweh can be translated accurately as all of these: I am who I am. I will be who I will be. I have been what I have been.

What can this mean to you and me? For one thing, when we see things slipping out of our grasp, we need not mourn their loss. Children grow up. They change from darling little babies to difficult teens and independent adults. Jobs come and go. So do money, fame, looks, health, and every other facet of our reality. But God can be depended upon to be the same loving savior today, tomorrow and into eternity. We can let go of the rest, because we will always have him. Augustine famously said of God, “Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in thee.” As one writer paraphrased it, ‘‘only love of the immutable can yield tranquility.’” - Kathy Keller

A God who is there

“While immutable in himself, he nevertheless, as it were, lives the life of his creatures and participates in all their changing states.” - Herman Bavinck

Daniel Kok