Life Can Be Difficult

We know that life will be difficult, but sometimes it seems overwhelming. Yet we are to trust in the Lord and praise him in even the darkest hours. How can we honestly do this when we barely feel alive?

Psalm 40:1-3 talks about waiting patiently for the Lord. Okay, that can be hard sometimes. We can take comfort in knowing God hears us even when we don't know what to pray. The Holy Spirit groans for us, and Jesus is always interceding for us. So when we feel like nothing is happening, like our world is caving in around us, like there is no hope, we can be assured that incredible things are happening that are unseen to us.

Verse 2 shows how God draws us up from the depth of our despair and sets our feet upon a rock. That rock is not an earthly security; it's an eternal, heavenly, unshakable security.

Verse 3 shows us how we can praise the Lord even when we are experiencing the worst this world has to offer. God puts a new song in our mouth. God provides this gift to us. That's how we can praise and glorify Him in the storms of life. God acts when we can't.

Daniel Kok