The Hand of God
My hand laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens; when I call to them, they stand forth together. - Isaiah 48:13
God made it all, and he is here.
“If God does not literally have a hand, then why does the Scripture use this expression? The answer is simple. God wants us to know Him as personal. He wants to communicate to us in propositional, verbalized form the reality of His personality working in history. And how can He do this? By making use of the tremendous parallels between us finite men, created in God’s image, and God Himself.”
“No matter what man eventually discovers the universe to be, no matter how much it contains or how great its stretch, this man must know—that God made it all. And not only did God make it all, but He is present to work in any part of it at any time He wishes. There is no place in the far-flung universe where the hand of God cannot work. The entire Old Testament cries out that God is not a localized God, not a God of one part of the land, nor a God who dwells only in the temple, nor a God who is carried in the box of the ark. He is the God who dwells in the heavens and does what He wills. “Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of thy hands” (Ps. 102:25).” No Little People - Francis Schaeffer