39 And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads 40 and saying, "You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself! If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross." - Matthew 27:39-40
When afflictions and sorrows come, we need to turn to the example of Jesus on the cross. He endured in silence, knowing that he would be with the Father again. We often ask God, why? Wait on the Lord in silence. Someday all our questions will be answered when we Jesus face to face. We should still lament, and it’s okay to cry out to God; David did this throughout the Psalms. But like David, we should always end our laments with a silent trust that our Heavenly Father has reasons beyond our comprehension.
“If? Whether? And to all, silence in heaven above, in earth beneath. There was no vindication by God, no opening of the heavens, no Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon the Holy One, no Voice declaring, “This is My beloved Son.” And He, the blessed Sufferer, was silent—as a sheep before her shearers is dumb so He opened not His mouth to answer any question, till on an evening, as He walked along a country road with two troubled men, He said, Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into His glory? That silence shames us. Cannot we, His foolish ones and blind, bid our restless questions be still awhile? It is only for a little while, for it is toward evening now, and the day is far spent. Soon, very soon we shall go in to tarry with Him. All our questions will be answered then. But in that day we shall ask Him nothing: “Ye shall ask Me no question,” so He has told us. Perhaps because we shall have forgotten our questions. One look in His face, and like the dew that has seen the sun those questions will have vanished. Vanished as a cloud in the blue that is as though it had never been.” Gold by Moonlight - Amy Carmichael.