Compassion - The Heart of Jesus

In Matthew 14, we read about the beheading of John the Baptist and the response of Jesus. Before we look at his response, a quick not about the end of John’s life.

Remember, John was a special child, born to a Elizabeth, a barren woman who was past the age of having children. He was born to accomplish one thing, to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah, to proclaim the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. John baptized Jesus and witnessed the Holy Spirit as he descended onto him. Not too long after that , John was arrested for calling out the immoral behavior of Herod’s brother. He was beheaded shortly after his arrest. So this man who came into the world in such a marvelous way, to fulfill an amazing prophecy, dies very young in a filthy prison for doing nothing wrong.

As believers, we should take note of John’s life and death. If John was not blessed with a long life, and died in a violent way in a terrible place, why should we expect something better? God has brought each of us into the world with a plan, something he designed us specifically to do for his glory. Are we living in a way that shows no fear and all trust?

Jesus learned of John’s beheading and was undoubtedly extremely grieved. We know from the story of Lazarus that Jesus felt deep emotion and pain. After all, he came to this earth so that we might have life after death. But the reality of a physical death and the impact on loved ones was something that caused him great concern and moved him to compassion. So Jesus planned to go to a desolate place to mourn and to speak to his Father.

What comes next is a wonderful example of the compassionate heart of Jesus. People are following him around and they find Jesus as he is try to be alone in his sorrow. Matthew 14:14 says that Jesus had compassion on the people. Rather then eluding them, or sending them away, he ministered to them, healed them, fed them. This is our Lord and Savior.

How about us? In the busyness of our lives, in our own problems and concerns, do we model the compassion of Jesus or do we put ourselves first? We can say that we don’t have any strength left, that our own circumstances are sapping all of our physical and emotional energy. But look at Jesus. His work continued as he faced the realities of life on this earth; even as he was dying on the cross.

Compassion is not just a gift that some possess, it’s something that we are all equipped and called to give. When we are weak, he is strong. Lack of compassion indicates a heart of stone rather than a heart for Jesus. Compassion involves loosing yourself, sacrifice, doing hard things. Are you willing to be the one who seeks peace rather than ignore your brother or sister in Christ? Will you visit the sick? Does your heart ache when thinking about a lost friend or relative, or the lives of so many children that are aborted? Or are you doing whatever you can to create your own little insulated world full of things and activities for you and your family.

This life is like a vapor when compared to eternity. Your life is worth losing for the sake of the souls who don’t yet know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Daniel Kok